Around 8:00 I saw a small glimpse of sunlight and quickly rushed to get a load of washing in. Sun means dry clothes. Last week my clothes hung for nearly 3 days, before they got dry. That's what happens when it rains for a whole week straight. While the washing machine filled with water, I boiled some water for tea and carried out all of our trash bags from our porch. Trash must go out the morning before the trash men arrive, not the night before, otherwise the dogs get in it and it will be scattered about in front our house (yes this has happened before). With my laundry started I climbed back in my bed.
Saturday was a great day. After getting a cup of coffee at the shop in our town with Matt and Kylie, and some grocery shopping, Kylie and I headed to the D and D to do yoga with Lotte. An hour of yoga and the three of us were exhausted. Kylie and I joined six others around the campfire, sharing food, having a glass of wine (Perfect post yoga drink). Of the group around the fire nearly half of the people are traveling for the next year.
Let me introduce them to you: (forgot names)
- First was the couple from Seattle. On two motorcycles they have been traveling for now 9 months.They left Seattle, covered canada, 32 US states, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize and now Honduras. There final destination is Panama.
- Second we met an older woman( American), early 60s who is traveling all the way to Argentina. She has 8 articles of clothing in a small backpack. I tried to guess her 8 articles of clothing but was wrong, (3 pairs of pants, one pair of shorts, one t-shirt, one long sleeve, one sweater and a bathing suit).
- Third there is Paul. (English) Paul we met in Rio Dulce last November. He is finally moving South after settling in Guatemala for a year. He is sending me a few pictures he took of me driving the boat on my birthday. It is really nice to run into people that you have met while traveling.
- Fourth is an English guy. 42 years old. Avid bird watching enthusiast. Lives on the bay island of Utila. Visited Utila nearly 12 years ago for a few weeks and never left. I told him that come Spring break we are knocking on his door to say hello (Since we are heading to Utila then) but he said we will have to swim to him, he is docking his boat off the island during that week. I told him no problem. We will be there.
We decided to make our way home late afternoon and after a recommendation from the older woman we streamed the movie, The Impossible on my computer. Kylie, Rose, Alison and I climbed in Kylie's bed and watched on my laptop. (we do not have a TV) The Impossible..... brutal to watch. I cried like a baby... incredibly beautiful and heart wrenching. Must watch..... It tells the true story of a Spanish family that survived the 2004 Tsunami that struck Thailand. Dont forget kleenex, but you must watch it. (in the movie the family is very british and blonde not spanish but the true story they are spanish)
Sunday turned up to be my favorite days of the week. Kylie and I took the D and D Kayak out on the lake for the day. With beer and oranges in tow we put the kayak up on top of the tuk tuk and dropped in at the canal. We asked the man to come back in two hours to get us, so we did not have to carry the kayak all the way from the canal. It is awkward shaped and heavy. The lake was beautiful. We finally had a day of sun and we became quite the expert kayakers. This is my third time out on the kayak and it never gets old. A lot of people were out fishing because the weather has finally cooperated. Everyone stops to stare at the two gringo girls on our bright yellow kayak. Comical.
After getting back to the D and D, a little more sunburnt than when we left. We rejoined our friends around the fire to share stories and then stared down a big iguana in the tree.. Enough of me talking see for yourself....
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The kayak on top... |
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awesome. |
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Heading out from the canal into the lake. |
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Below the water... so many fish. Incredible. |
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More sun than when we started. |
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Our friend at the D and D. This picture was taken through the telescope. |
The lady from Seattle and I talked about "our stuff"in the States. That we thought we would miss our stuff but we do not. We realize quickly how much extra stuff we have. My hope and prayer is pieces of this life here, the simplicity in it never leaves me. But yet that when I indulge in things, when I spend too much money on a meal or do something others would scoff at I enjoy every moment of everything I do, because life is too short to feel guilty for things......
As for my post last November and my 20 things I would like to accomplish in the next year, I am happy to say I am well on my way. Here is the list: and soon I will be able to cross a few off. I also think I will be baking cookies this week to deliver to the neighbors. We are done at noon every day!
7. Visit an Orphanage at least once a month (whether I am in Honduras or anywhere) Orphanage visit: December 1, 2012 (San Pedro Sula). December 8, 2012 (Pena Blanca), Today January 28, 2012 (Pena Blanca)
14. Read four Jane Austen Novels (Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park) I have started reading Pride and Prejudice. (love it, so good)
15. Complete 30 days straight of yoga. I am on day 22! Yikes SO exciting! Has been an incredible challenge but I can already see changes in my practice and I have fully mastered crow. see picture below (not me). I have always been able to get up into this pose but often fall out. Proud to say I am no longer wobbly :)
Heres to you Monday and Kicking this week in the A@%$ because its going to be a good one. I think so at least Ps Happy Belated Birthday to my mother. Thanks for being who you are and I am proud to say that every day I find myself being more and more like you.
Happy Monday Yall!
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