Monday, February 11, 2013

Life is made up of minute parts.......

My roommates often poke fun of my blog... I catch them reading it throughout different times of the day... they are often providing commentary, spotting grammatical errors and giving me a hard time because I either mentioned them or I did not.

My immediate reaction is to apologize for mistakes or give a disclaimer to everyone reading that if my blog makes you angry because here I am teaching English and I clearly struggle writing well so I am sorry.... But........ I am not going too. Take it or leave it, I write as I often think,  rolling out of my head and my heart, onto my laptop so that my family and friends know that I am ok and so they may hear the ramblings of my day and to day. More than any of that, this is my place to process all that has happened and all that is happening right in front of my face..... so i do hope you enjoy. I suppose if you don't, you certainly do not hurt my feelings if you don't read... :)

As for now..... one of my roommates (kylie is fast asleep in bed), I hear Faye and Alison laughing while doing Billy Blanks Tye Bo in the other room, there is a giant ant crawling next to my foot, I just swatted a mosquito off my arm and I am avoiding my room because the rat/mouse (More like the size of a rat) is dancing on the ceiling tiles in my bathroom and I want NOTHING to do with him/her. Yes you can hear her/him from my bed.

 I should have taken a picture of this this morning but two days he/she has taken a big chunk out of our avocados... lesson learned= avocados now go in the fridge... Its like his little foot scraped into it and ate it. really really really gross.

My kids today were hilarious.... we had a great day, talked about how I will be gone starting thursday for one week. With big smiles on their faces the boys did some fist pumps and most of the girls were yelling,  "NO MISS" I promised them I will return and that they better be on their best behavior for the teachers covering my classes or else I will give them so much homework they wont be allowed to go outside..... (Smiling while saying this, kidding of course).

I also had a big discussion about how I have eyes in the back of my head so when I am writing on the board I know what they are doing.... they think it is the greatest thing. (they do not believe it to be true). Although 9 times out of 10 I have made a guess at who is causing the commotion behind me and I am right...I do this just because they think it is the funniest thing in the world. They called me an alien in Spanish. I dont remember what the word is... but it was pretty funny.

Finalizing their grades for the second term I have realized how much progress some of them have made..... to say I am proud would be an understatement. I have complete conversations with most of my kids now and I forget that this did not happen in August. I am taking deep breaths about the fact that when I come back from the States/Mexico it will be February 24th. With only four days left in the month of February. (WHAT THE HE&%????) Come March we go on a Visa trip run to Guatemala, Jason departs for good, my best friends Birthday Christie Lee is the 25th and then we go on Spring Break in Utila. (honduran bay island). We come back from all of that and have about 9 weeks left till the end of school. Thats it.

Tonight I am going to bed overwhelmed with the thought, " Am I really going to move back to Kentucky and leave Colorado?"...... I am going to try and get some sleep. Thinking about it brings upon a wave of emotion I dont even know where to begin processing and even more so makes me doubt that I ever thought that this was a good idea to begin with.

All of this is I know is so trivial to the family that is screaming from outside my window, that sleeps in a house that seems to barely stand up and the two sweet girls in wheel chairs at the orphanage yesterday that have big smiles on their faces and dont live as though they were abandoned and rejected by their families.... it is all so trivial..... sleep well to all of you .....warmest kristina

“The whole of the life -- even the hard -- is made up of the minute parts, and if I miss the infinitesimals, I miss the whole. These are new language lessons, and I live them out. There is a way to live the big of giving thanks in all things. It is this: to give thanks in this one small thing. The moments will add up.” 
― Ann VoskampOne Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are

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