Monday, September 10, 2012

My kids.

A little boy named Andres had an accident today. I was very surprised by how calm he was. He did not seem to mind that his pants were soaked from the front to the back. He looked me with the most precious eyes, needing help, and if I were honest with you my reaction was a bit selfish. He went to the bathroom all over the place and it was a bit gross. Selfish thoughts I know. I quickly snapped out of my immediate reaction to look at his soaked school pants and wanted to help, but felt very helpless. His English is not that good. Maybe his english is better than I get to see, but he prefers Spanish. Spanish is easy for these kids, it is what is comfortable, and it is what they know. So they ALL speak in Spanish. They seem to think that I can as well speak spanish too which is so NOT the truth. He said a few things but I knew what had happened, so not much was needed to translate. Either way this little boy was taken outside the class and his mom came a few moments later with new "pantalones". Another day in our class.

I would ask you pray for a few of my little ones. I have a few that I am quite certain should not be in 2nd grade. They do not have their books and have no desire to learn or participate. I am hopeful but tired, and there is so much to do, kids asking for help and a few of these kids often get forgotten. I do not want to forget them. I want them to get the time and the attention they deserve. Say a prayer for Caleb, Josafat, Helen, Kevin and Michell. These kids have long names that are not written here and out of respect for their families I want to protect their privacy so first names are enough.

My kids as I said are beautiful, many are very smart, some are a total pain in my side but they are cute and stubborn all at the same time. I do not know these kids families, the homes they go back too or the future that is before them but I am trying to remind myself each second, that each face was designed and is being shaped and molded into a child of God. Gods hand is in their lives, and he made them that way for a reason. Teaching resting in this truth helps me not get discouraged by the long days, the lack of resources, the language barrier, and the lack of administration..... it makes those things seem so insignificant. Those things are so so so insignificant.

Monday at school was Dia De Los Ninos, the day of the child. Our day was good. Tiring but good. My second graders are learning about The Sentence in English.... I am still trying to find the best way to teach this. In Science, we "MEASURED" the length of the campo  futbol field.  The kids needed to get out of the classroom and we are learning about all the tools we use in Science so it seemed like a good idea to me :) Nothing like marching across the field with 22 kids all in a line counting our steps. I am also teaching my kids the old Vacation Bible school song, "Who's the King of the Jungle " I used to sing this song in VBS. I loved it and thought my kids would too. It is very funny to see them make the hand motions with the song too. I however look like a total goof!

The school is off to a water park thingy tomorrow. In other news our water turned back on. It has been close to 24 hours without water! I got to shower finally! (sink was overflowing, but things could have gotten much worse). Me taking a shower is a huge plus, for anyone that has to encounter me. (not having water is common, well more common than one would think, and yes the whole town did not have water it was not just us :).

Warmest to you

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