Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 2 ish... So Incredible.

Day 1 

Warning... Internet is a bit questionable at this point. But my roommate and I are stealing from the shop downstairs ;) So if your reading this.. consider yourself lucky ;)

After saying goodbye to my dad in Houston i had my last cup of Starbucks, Einsteins and waited to board for San Pedro Sula. I was fortunate to have a whole row to myself so I slept the whole plane ride, only to be woken up with horrible dreams. (dreams about coming down here... not very convenient considering my plane was in route). We flew over the Island of Rotan and the coral reefs. It was beautiful. The crystal blue water.. In that moment I looked over the window, as I sat on a plane with a group of people none of who spoke English...... and I realized how great and big the god of the world is. How he looks at even the smallest speck on the worlds map and designs and creates it so it has his image impressed upon it. In those moments as well I remembered why I was coming, why I chose to move here and that each day I hope I look at each face and each person as though god did the very moment he created them.  He says you are beautifully and wonderfully made.. he whispers in their ear and tells them you are mine.

I quickly overcame my fear as I passed through customs smoothly,  grabbed my luggage and walked out of customs. I looked and looked and could not find anyone wtih a name for the school so I decided to walk around a bit. The airport has 3 terminals only and was very small… not scary as some mentioned. I have found that Wendys, Dunkin Donuts are staples in Honduras. Good to know :) I soon found our group, Faye from Manchester, Matt from Ohio, Thomas from Houston, Nick from North Carolina and his friend from Munich… Along with them was Shelly who drives the van each day to take us to school... He drove like a champ in what was similar to a horrible nascar race...

We piled in a 15 passenger van with all of our things and ventured on what was a bit of a typical central american car ride… no concept of traffic, man in the road in a wheel chair, broken down cars, children running on the side of the road. THe country to say the very very least is very poor. Average Honduran makes 300 usd a month. We stopped by a similar superstore to that of Walmart in the states (that was for you Meagan) to stock up on things for our house, my list included, flip flops (yes I forgot them), a yoga mat, coffee pot, towels, a pillow, a football and well… that was it. We were told our apartment is being finished at the moment so it was tough to anticipate what to buy.

We stopped quickly at wendys for lunch and an hour half later we are at the lake in Pena Blanca. The school is nestled back by the lake and is simply beautiful. Town is shaped like a T and our apartment is above a Chinese Restaurant and consists of what used to be retail shops they converted to our bedrooms.. HUGE Rooms. Parents from the school who's kids are on scholarship were cleaning and building the apartment as we walked in. Around 8 people or so, all working hard for our arrival. We have beautiful tile floors that will be dirty I am sure all the time… dust seems to collect. Faye and I died laughing at how we will live in such a large place. ( at this moment about 12 different men are trying to decide how they will install Internet in such a large place)

We have a patio/ deck. No railings yet so it is a bit scary but it overlooks a yard of green lush tress, bushes, trash and our neighbors are cooking breakfast outside right now. Stray dogs are everywhere, the rooster crows and unusual smells fill the air, often times the smell of smoke. There is no tax and or organized government so therefore their is no trash pick up so you must arrange for it yourself or burn it in your yard.

We then stopped by the boys house to see there pink cottage and yard filled with all sorts of fruits. We piled in a truck and drove to the nearby hotel that is owned but the same family that owns the school. They fed us for free and we then felt as though we were on some incredible resort. They took us out on Lake Yojoa and we watched as others danced and sang the best of the 80s and 90s. Pure joy and the lake was beautiful.

I learned that I will be teaching all subjects!!!!! YIKES!! and all in English. I do not know yet the grade but either way it will be fun. I can't wait for PE. Suppose I am still a kid after all too.... When in doubt recess will be extended for the day.

This morning Monday, I mopped the floor and waited on one of the guys to go on a run and he never showed up. So instead I came back in, (We don't have phones and I didn't want to wander off alone to find him) and did some yoga inside… Faye washed her clothes on our porch this morning while I picked oranges from our tree and ate them. She already told me there won't be any left because I will have eaten them all. (They are so good)

We are going to wander town today.. buy cell phones and a variety of things for our house that we need. The list is growing….

Towels, floor mats, paper towels, mirrors, place to put my clothes or build a clothes line...

With incredible joy and excitement from what is one beautiful country.. Many blessings to you all..

Pictures will soon follow :)

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