Drinking Costa Rican coffee out a mug from Hong Kong...... This can only mean a few things.... my heart longs to be traveling again and I live with Erin Zimmerman. (She went to High School in Hong Kong so our house adorns lovely things from there)
I was speaking with
Matt Hohler two days ago and he reminded me that we were just a few days away from our year anniversary of arriving in Honduras. What a sweet reminder that is.....
You may ask what I have been up too since it has been a long time (20 days since I last posted) well lets just say a lot. Here is a mini recap.....
For the past three weekends I was up in the Mountains (a common phrase we use in Colorado to reference getting out of the city). I spent a weekend in Silverthorne near Lake Dillon on a staff retreat (I am on staff in the Athletic Department at Colorado Christian University) Gearing up for our new school year and preparing our athletic coaches for what is to come. Following that weekend I drove back up to spend the weekend in Vail with my friends. Leaving on Friday we rented a condo for the weekend, laid by the pool, grilled out, stayed up late playing games, rode the gondola at sunset, spotted moose and went out on the town for one of our last summer hurrahs. A short four days after that, I left with the entire Athletic Staff and Athletes to spend the weekend in Buena Vista for our Annual Athletes Retreat. The weekend marks the beginning of a new school year and gives athletes the opportunity to get to know each other and bond before their seasons start. It was a beautiful weekend.....
So alas this weekend... and at this very moment I am sitting on my porch. Taking this Friday off and drinking my coffee, just as the sky turns blue at 6:31 am this morning. As I mentioned before my
20 things list is slowly getting checked off and one of them is reading the book, 1000 Gifts, with my mom. In light of reading this book I thought I would list a few things I am grateful for these days...... (mom and I are going to finish and discuss when I am back in Kentucky next week eekkk)
Grateful for.......
- This front porch, with a creaky rod iron railing and two plastic chairs that are sat on more than any other piece of furniture in our house.
- For four hour old babies, that look at the world with eyes of wonder
- For a dear friend who was strong and brave and brought that sweet little girl, Story Rose, into the world
- For friends who decide to run half marathons with you and encourage you on long training runs.
- For plane flights that are able to bring my best friend from 1st grade to Colorado in October for one whole week ....... oh and did I mention she is running the half marathon too (yay Christie Lee)
- For babies in offices that crawl all over the floor and wont sit still on your lap while you try and get work done
- For neighbors who move in next door, who you share life with, a glass of wine and a beer on a Thursday night
- For chalky hands after an intense crossfit workout, that always amazes me I complete
- For yoga communities that I will be joining
- For photos of new houses from my sister and parents
- For short timelines (1 week till I am back in Kentucky)
- For the promise that living where you are the best you can is the only way to really live at all
- For celebrations of life commitments, Kylie my roommate from Honduras engaged to ShepGoggles (His instagram name I think is funny), Stephanie Riley best friend since middle school engaged to be wed in Guatemala...... So much to look forward to next year.
- For crispy cool mornings
- Sunrises on runs over Washington park
- Newly mopped hardwood floors
- Sharing stories about Honduras with others
- Keeping stories to myself inside and reliving them
- For water bottle holders that make it possible to bike with a bottle of wine in tow
- Tears that fall at inappropriate times that take me straight back to that place down South called Honduras
- For talented friends that create art with oil and paints to capture one of my favorite places in the world.
Buena Vista, Colorado Driving past Collegiate Peaks to get coffee in town |
Biking to Washington Park with Wine for Jess's Birthday |
Vail Racquet Club, Colorado with friends |
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Late Night training runs with Headlamps in the dark. |
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Myself, Stephanie and her now Fiance (Last October when they came to visit in Honduras) |
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Born August 15, 2013 at 10:31 Story Rose O'Rourke |
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Newly Engaged to be wed, Kylie (Rooms from Honduras) and her fiance Shep |
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My view yesterday morning running from my house.... |
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