Back in Pena Blanca after a memorable weekend spent in Guatemala. Rio Dulce is a town nestled on the river thats opens to the Caribbean. It is a beautiful town, filled with sail boats, local fisherman and fancy yachts that have made there way South...... Guatemala as you are already aware is one of my favorite countries and once again this weekend it lived up to its expectations.... Here is a map....
You can see how is it nestled just on the border of Belize, Guatemala and Honduras....
With our visa run trips, we must be out of Honduras for a minimum of 2 days to be able to renew our 90 day Visa so these trips although are a chance to explore a new town, in all reality the sole purpose is to get our new visas.....
Friday afternoon we departed after school for our 6 hour + journey. Windy roads got the best of my roommate and she rode most of the way with her head out the window.... As we approached the border we saw a long line of eighteen wheeler trucks parked on the side of the road. We bypassed them to reach the border and quickly learned that the border crossing for vehicles closes at 6:00 pm. It was 6:30 pm.
Instead of driving over the border, we instead walked over the border. 12 of us jumped out of the car, grabbed our bags and were told that we would abandon our bus, and our bus driver would drive the bus over in the morning (He would sleep in it). At the other side we were told that we would find a bus to take us the rest of the way once we got to the Guatemala side. So ladies and gentlemen this is what we did. It honestly sounds more adventurous than it was. In no time we were in a new van on our way to Rio Dulce and at our hostel. Passports were stamped.
The rest of our weekend was spent relaxing at the Backpacker hostel right on the water. We hired a lancha for the day to take us down the river to the town of Livingston. Our early morning began on the boat with wine and beer in tow. The sun came out and it was a beautiful day on the water. While stopping off in Livingston to eat, drink and shop we ordered a plate of nachos....... See the picture below for proof but they brought us a plate of doritos (Red kind) covered in like cheesy sauce. (Not what we thought we were ordering). We had cocktails while watching a rugby match between Wales and England on a computer streaming with some English guys staying on a sail boat docked out from the shore. It was the perfect day.
Sunday morning we departed early for home, Honduras, and were home early. This week is a short one at school. Three days of classes (now only two left) and one day of Science Fair, Thursday. Friday we do not have school because Honduras is playing Mexico in Futbol so our Spring Break is starting a bit early. We are off all next week for Holy Week/Semana Santa/Spring Break.
Wednesday is family dinner. Thursday is Jasons last night fiesta at the D and D Hostel Brewery nearby. Friday pack and clean for Spring Break, get nails done for $2.00 next to our house and then Saturday depart for Spring Break.
So for now enjoy some pictures below from the weekend..... as well I am one happy girl with my Louisville Cardinals being the number 1 seed in the NCAA Tournament and knowing that I will get to watch basketball on the island during Spring Break..... My kids today completed a bracket. If the name had Mexico in it and or was Flordia or Miami they picked them. However for the final matchup my kids chose Louisville vs. Oklahoma (no idea why??? well I know why they chose Louisville :)). Overall winner according to my second grade glass....... LOUISVILLE! I have brainwashed them good :)
It was really hot today, my kids were a bit loud, rowdy and I was just not geared up for the day. Needless to say the day came and went..... now if only the week would move a bit quicker... Spring Break is on the horizon and I anticipating.... Enjoy pictures from the weekend..
The Caribbean.. with my Louisville red geeky glasses. |
Yummy doritos with cheese.... |
Philip and Me. His hair braids and all... |
Nearby beautiful sailboat |
Ky and Me on the Boat |
Breakfast... |
Special extra picture below... my roommate Molly took this of us watching the Louisville Syracuse game, the first one, when Louisville lost. Notice Jason in the background (from New York) so excited..... To say I am looking forward to march madness... would be an understatement... so excited for the Cardinals!
As well, I am a work in progress learning patience with my kids and loving them well... I am learning more and more everyday. Being humbled by seven and eight year olds is a beautiful thing.... and it happens nearly every day. I read the below message
here and thought it was a good reminder for the day. Happy Monday to you wherever you are....
Usually my love is all tangled up and totally conditional.
Rather than giving love FREELY and LAVISHLY, I hoard my love, my words, my compliments, my kind gestures.
Help me love them without conditions.
Help me love him regardless of his attitude.
Help me love her no matter how she responds.
"use your freedom to serve each other in love." galatians 5:13
heres to using freedom to love others well.....