I am sitting right now watching the Notre Dame game on an Ipad, through facetime. The live streaming was not working so Matt had his brother put his ipad up in front of their TV at home and we are watching through Facetime. Technology is pretty incredible.
As for me I am hanging in there. We finally got our schedules for school that will start on Monday. I say finally with a bit of frustration because, we were supposed to receive them on Monday. There was a lot of back and forth between the owner of the school and the principal because instead of placing us with one classroom for the entire day they have us moving around quite a bit. This was done largely in part because there are not enough of us to go around. The school has made it clear they want to demonstrate to the community and the parents that they bring in teachers from other countries so they have spread us across the school... I am not sure if this is the most effective way to teach the kids but either way school starts Monday and we are excited to meet our kids. I am nervous a bit how I am going to get through the textbooks to plan and create lessons because I do not even know what you know or do not know when you are in second grade. I also have no idea how much English they can speak. Guess I will find out Monday!
In the meantime we went to the D&D Brewery last night for a good meal and a microbrew. This is the only Microbrew in the country started by an American backpacker 6 or so years ago. It is a hotel, place to get a massage, a good meal close to the lake and is the lonely planets top place for travelers in Honduras. We have found that this will be our escape and splurge spot. They also organize adventures from this point, tubing down the river, hiking in the mountains, cave diving.. etc. When I say Hotel I should mention this means huts in the rainforest that have a reliable roof and bathroom :)
Our classrooms are looking good :) Well we like to think so given the resources we had. Some construction paper, some poster board we bought in town and some sticky glue. Our apartment was a mess the last few evenings as we had paper, markers and all of our signs all over the floor. Every afternoon it begins raining at 3:30 or so and does not stop through the night. Our roof is tin so it is hard to even here yourself think.
In other news I found Coke Light in the gas station across the street! So excited. Made my day. For some reason coke light is a bit harder to find than you think.
As well I met one of my students.. She is the most beautiful girl with big brown eyes and thick dark hair. She will be in my class. I cannot wait to meet the kids.
As well I should mention I get to teach PE on Friday afternoons to the 3rd grade. I am thinking I may need to bring in sports from around the world.... Selfishly I just want to play American football :) and kickball.
View of the outside of part of the school. |
The kids will decorate the jerseys on the windows. |
Our Goals! |
Have a Ball on your Birthday |
A look inside the 2nd grade classroom |
Transportation Theme Room 3rd Grade |
Read the signs! |
With lots of excitement and trying not to be too concerned about Monday.. I send you a picture of where I am writing from right now.... Internet at my house is down so we are visiting a friends.
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